[kwlug-announce] Meeting Monday: OpenLayers

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Fri May 29 21:34:43 EDT 2009

Finally: it's (almost) June. Goodbye overcoats and longjohns and
sweaters worn on top of sweaters.  Hello to T-shirts and shorts and
ugly foam slipper-things. But with all the sunshine and fresh spinach
on the horizon, why is Andrew Cant preaching the virtues of layers?
It turns out Andrew is one of those Web 2.0 wizards, and he will
happily forgo sherbet and fresh air for a chance to sit in front of
his computer programming mash-ups. Throw whatever geographic data you
want at him -- cow population density and radio transmission towers,
political ridings and movie preferences -- and he'll squish them
together into compelling and attractive maps. His secret? OpenLayers,
a Javascript tool that lets you take in all kinds of geographic data
and plot it in interesting ways. At this month's KWLUG meeting, Andrew
will tell us all about this tool beginning at 7pm. 

In FLOSS Fund news, this month's nominee is the Mozilla Foundation,
which you might recognize as the caretaker of a certain open source
web browser that even your grandparents have heard of. See
http://www.mozilla.org/foundation/donate.html for more information.

In other FLOSS Fund news, after this month we are out of nominees! If
you know of a great open source project that takes financial
contributions and deserves our support, please share it on the
website, on the kwlug-disc list or by mailing me. 

The meeting will be held at our usual location: 

The Working Centre
43 Queen Street South
(Between King and Charles Streets)

Free car parking is still scarce, but I discovered that the bike
parking migrated to the bench area beside the bookstore. As always,
the transit terminal is a mere block away. Don't be afraid to bundle
up and brave the summer elements. 

- Paul

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