[kwlug-announce] Meeting Monday, 7pm: Mageia Linux, Tax Software

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Sat Jan 2 20:56:42 EST 2016

Surprise! New Year's Day was on a Friday this year, so Monday is a
regular old workday, and with it the start of another shiny new year.
Personally, I will be looking for any available excuse to distract
myself from another year of disappointment and grinding drudgery, so
Monday's KWLUG meeting should be a welcome respite. This month, Marc
Paré will discuss a couple of topics. For the first time in a long
while, we will enjoy a presentation that is distro-specific. Marc has
used Mageia Linux for years (since it was called Mandriva, if not
earlier) and supports several community members in its use. He will
give an overview of the distribution and why he likes it. 

For an encore, Marc will cover a topic near and dear to our hearts:
taxes. He will tell us how he prepares his taxes using
government-approved tax software available on Linux. (Hint: wine might
be involved.) 

These two presentations will start at 7pm, after meeting

There are several other fun things you can do this January. Most
notably, Colin Mills is running the inaugural Conestoga Linux
Fest at the Doon Campus of Conestoga College on Saturday, January 30.
This will be an all-day event featuring speakers. My understanding is
that attendance will be free and open to all. Check the KWLUG website
for additional details as they become available.

Once again some of us from KWLUG (and some people from the broader
community) will be getting together to refurbish laptops from Computer
Recycling and install Xubuntu on them. This month we will hold the
laptop rescue mission on Saturday, January 16 from 4pm onwards. People
of all skill levels are welcome -- you don't need to be a Linux genius
to be helpful. Contact me offlist to RSVP.

After a long hiatus it sounds as if the FLOSS Fund might be making
a (one-off?) reappearance at this Monday's meeting. The FLOSS Fund was
a pre-Kickstarter, pre-Patreon attempt at putting together a donation
towards some worth free software project. Suggested candidates for
this month were archive.org or the Wikimedia foundation. Contributions
to the fund are completely optional and anonymous.

It may be a new year, but we are meeting at the same location: 

St John's Kitchen
97 Victoria Street North
(at Weber)

There are maps and pictures of the site here: http://kwlug.org/sjk .
You can park your vehicle in the thrift store parking lot.

- Paul 

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