[kwlug-announce] Meeting Monday: Haskell and Functional Programming (May 2017)

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Fri Apr 28 22:38:54 EDT 2017

Have you ever wanted to Haskell? Maybe your programming is
dysfunctional? Maybe you don't program at all, and would like to see
what it is all about? Aden Seaman has a passion for functional
programming and for the Haskell programming language, and he has been
working hard on an in-depth exploration of these subjects. He will
tell us what functional programming is, and how it differs from the
imperative programming languages many of us use. He will compare
different functional programming languages, and then dive into
language features that make Haskell special. Don't be a lazy
evaluator; come by this month and see what the fuss is about. 

On the kwlug-disc discussion list, KWLUG members proposed a few
initiatives they would like to see happen: 

- Keefer Rourke noted that Sunday July 9 is the International Day
  Against DRM (https://www.defectivebydesign.org/dayagainstdrm), and
  he was hoping that some people in the KWLUG community would like to
  organize something around this. If you would like to make something
  happen, contact Keefer via his web page: https://krourke.org

- Andrew Cant and znoteer note that the annual Debian conference
  Debconf is being held in Montreal this August
  (https://debconf17.debconf.org/) . Andrew expressed interest in
  getting some people together to attend (road trip?) and znoteer
  invited people who are going to participate in the Open Day event
  (https://debconf17.debconf.org/schedule/open-day/) . You can contact
  Andrew via his website http://andrewsullivancant.ca/ , and to
  participate in Open Day submit a proposal on the Debconf website.

In other news, KWLUG is looking for a new meeting location. If you
have leads on accessible, preferably gratis spaces that can hold 15-25
people, please get in touch with me. 

This month's meeting will be held at SJK again:

St John's Kitchen
97 Victoria Street North
(at Weber)

Park in the thrift store parking lot, and lock your bikes against the
building. Show up at 6:30pm or so to help me set up, if you are
willing. Find maps and pictures of the site at https://kwlug.org/sjk

- Paul 

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