[kwlug-announce] Meeting Monday: WireGuard Installs, YAW-Hooks (Aug 2020)

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Fri Aug 7 22:43:59 EDT 2020

Once again, we will hold August's meeting over BigBlueButton:
Access code: 507191

Some months, our KWLUG meetings have a theme. This month's theme
orbits around computer security tools. 

WireGuard is the hottest new thing since sliced pizza. It is VPN
software that is intended to be easy to use and easy to audit. Colin
Knapp has been using it on his devices, and he will give us a
practical presentation about how to get it set up. Although this talk
will (probably?) not be an in-depth explanation of how WireGuard
works, it should provide enough context so you can start using it.
(Also: if anybody would like to present that in-depth explanation for
KWLUG, we are all ears. There is lots of demand for this topic.) 

Do you ever want to write scripts on one machine that will control
processes on other machines? The answer is "probably," especially if
you do any system administration. Authentication is a big problem
here, especially if you are hardcoding passwords into your scripts.
Mikalai Birukou has dealt with this pain for long enough. He has
started a project called YAW-Hooks
(https://github.com/3nsoft/yaw-hooks) to help generate short-term
credentials for scripts running on a server. In his presentation he
will demonstrate the problem and his solution.

In other news, we are still on the lookout for presentations. We will
likely be presenting virtually for a while now, so even if you live
far away you can share your wisdom with us. Contact me offlist
(paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca) or use the website contact form to get in

That's all I have for this month. Take care, stay FLOSSy, and see you
on Monday at 7pm.

- Paul
Events: https://feeds.off-topic.kwlug.org 
Blog: http://pnijjar.freeshell.org

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