[kwlug-announce] Meeting Monday: LMMS, Blender/Krita (May 2021)

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Sat May 1 22:37:57 EDT 2021

It's arts and crafts month here at KWLUG World Headquarters. If you
are looking for tools to realize your audiovisual aspirations, this is
the meeting for you. Even if you are not the artistic type, tune in
for some pretty sweet demos. 

Among other things, Michael Hitchens is a music maker. You can find
some of his work on Bandcamp: https://michaelhitchens.bandcamp.com/ .
He will tell us about a free software digital audio workstation called
LMMS. He will walk us through the basics of creating and publishing
music using the program. 

Among other things, Rocco Commisso is a video game artist and
animator. You can see some of his work on his website
http://www.tippedchair.com/ . He will show us some free software tools
we can use to create visual art: Blender for 3D modelling, and the
digital paint program Krita for 2D assets. 

Fun fact: both Michael and Rocco are first-time presenters for KWLUG.
You could be a first-time presenter too, or help us find some.
Currently there are some slots available for June (!!) and later.
You don't have to be an expert to give a good presentation -- telling
us about something you have been learning recently can be fantastic. 

In other news, Mikalai Birukou wants us to know about the Linux App
Summit, a no-cost virtual conference intended to grow the Linux
application ecosystem. The conference has talks about creating,
packaging, and distributing applications; about design and UX; about
different platforms, and much more. The conference is being held
between May 13 and 15 this year. To find out more and to register,
visit https://linuxappsummit.org/ .

Our meeting will once again be held online:
https://webconference.kwlug.org/room/kwlug . We will start at 7pm.

- Paul
Events: https://feeds.off-topic.kwlug.org 
Blog: http://pnijjar.freeshell.org

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