[kwlug-announce] Meeting Monday, 7pm: ML for Observability, mitmproxy continued (Nov 2023)

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Sat Nov 4 12:25:01 EDT 2023

As anybody who has tried to troubleshoot a computer problem knows, it
is super-frustrating when you cannot see what is happening under the
hood. On the one hand we value privacy, and use privacy-protecting
technology such as SSL to help dissuade prying eyes; on the other
hand when things go wrong getting information about what is going on
is often critical to solving the problem. This month's KWLUG
presentations offer some ways to get the information we need when
troubleshooting issues.

First off, Andrew Maguire from the open-source metrics platform
NetData will talk about that hot buzzword "Machine Learning," and how
we can make it boring. He will discuss ten use cases for machine
learning in observability that can help us diagnose problems faster.
(As an interesting sidenote, Andrew will be presenting to us from
Ireland, which I think makes this the first trans-Atlantic KWLUG
presentation we have had. It will also be midnight in Dublin when he
is presenting for us, so we are grateful for his sacrifice.)

The second presentation will extend a talk John Steel gave during our
September Cool Tools presentation. John showed us mitmproxy, a program
that can show us what is happening during HTTPS communications. The
group was enthusiastic about the presentation and wanted more, so John
offered a deeper dive into the tool.

We have another restaurant meetup scheduled at Coops
Wicked Chicken for Monday, Nov 13. RSVP to dinner at kwlug.org if you
would like to attend. You can find details here:
https://kwlug.org/node/1354 . 

(On a side note: we have been debating whether to put out a second
announcement on kwlug-announce specifically for these restaurant
meetups. Do you have opinions on this? I guess if you do then you are
already invested because you read this far, but you can let us know
one way or the other, on the website or by emailing me.)

In other news, it is nice to see that KW Intersections is back after a
long pandemic hiatus. They have a talk on Nov 7 called "Machine
Learning and Compression: Exploring the connections". RSVP here:

The Balsillie School of International Affairs also holds tech-related
events from time to time. On Nov 23 they are hosting a book launch
entitled "The New Knowledge: Information, Data and the Remaking of
Global Power". RSVP here: https://www.balsillieschool.ca/event/book-launch-the-new-knowledge-information-data-and-the-remaking-of-global-power/

That's all I got. This month's meeting will again be held in a hybrid
format: online at https://webconference.kwlug.org/room/kwlug and
in-person at the Dana Porter Library at UW. See
https://kwlug.org/node/1345 for more details. The meeting will begin
at 7pm.

- Paul

Events: https://feeds.off-topic.kwlug.org 
Housing: https://unionsd.coop
Blog: http://pnijjar.freeshell.org

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