[kwlug-disc] [OT] [Fwd: Many activities at the CRTC that can affect you, the consumer...

Eric Gerlach eric+kwlug at gerlach.ca
Tue Apr 14 22:59:38 EDT 2009

Hi everyone,

Just got this from my ISP, TekSavvy.  It's about Bell asking for
permission to impose bandwidth caps on their resellers' customers.

I know this isn't strictly Linux related, but it's *very*
time-sensitive, so if you care about open internet in Canada, I suggest
you read.

For those of you who don't care, or already got this from TekSavvy, I
apologize for the message spam.



----- Forwarded message from TekSavvy Solutions Inc <support at teksavvy.com> -----

Subject: [Important Notice] Many activities at the CRTC that can affect you,
	the consumer...
From: TekSavvy Solutions Inc <support at teksavvy.com>

Dear Valued Customer,

We are writing to you today as many activities are underway to shape/reshape
Internet use as you all know it. Over the last year some of you have been
made aware and/or have seen activities on throttling in the news or in your
daily lives. Another proceeding relating to the Internet in Canada required
Telecom providers (Bell/Telus/etc.) to provide ISPs with wholesale service
speeds that match those that they offer to their own retail customers.
Specifically, Bell has been directed by the CRTC to provide matching speeds
which would allow us all to have more flexibility in our day to day online
requirements. Instead of adhering to these directives, Bell decided to take
this issue to the federal Cabinet and at the same time file a tariff
application with the CRTC proposing to introduce Usage Based Billing (UBB)
on its wholesale customer accounts.

What does this mean for you, the consumer?

Bell provides TekSavvy with last mile, wholesale DSL access services, which
TekSavvy uses to provide you with your Internet access. If Bell were to be
allowed to introduce UBB on this service, a cap of 60GB would be imposed on
all of its users, with very heavy penalties per Gigabyte afterwards
(multiple times more than our current per Gigabyte rate of $0.25/GB on
overages). This would inherently all but remove Unlimited internet services
in Ontario/Quebec and potentially cause large increases in internet costs
from month to month.

If you'd like to make your comments/concerns known about what Bell is
attempting to do, please do so here:


Select the word "Tariff" from the drop down list.

Add the following in Subject Line "File Number # 8740-B2-200904989 - Bell
Canada - TN 7181" and make your thoughts known!

The deadline for filing your comments is today at midnight, so hurry!



Rocky Gaudrault
Chief Executive Officer
TekSavvy Solutions Inc.
330 Richmond Street, Suite 205
Chatham, ON, N7M 1P7
Customer Service: 877-779-1575
URL: www.teksavvy.com

----- End forwarded message -----

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