[kwlug-disc] HELP -- Very new to Ubuntu

unsolicited unsolicited at swiz.ca
Tue Oct 4 17:18:49 EDT 2011

OK, so there's two issues - sleeping, and monitor changes.

Clearly when undocked, normal is the laptop screen only / you're able 
to deal with any monitor combinations you run into, now. (You have any 
necessary hotkeys in place, etc., etc.)

What is normal for you when you are docked - 3 screens, 2 monitors + 
laptop, or just 2 monitors?

Kiwi Ssennyonjo wrote, On 10/04/2011 5:05 PM:
> Upon reboot; all is well and wonderful.
> When I undock, the lid is closed so the laptop immediately suspends.

Why are you closing the lid when you undock?

Or, I'll put this another way, if you undock with the lid open, you 
give the machine a chance to reconfigure the hardware. Then close the 
lid so it sleeps with the correct monitor configuration. [Reverse when 
coming back?]

When you dock (as you were) does restarting X make it all better?
- note, ubuntu (and therefore kubuntu too) have disabled Ctrl-Alt-Bksp 
as restart X, by default. You will need to reestablish it before you 
can use that keystroke. [Don't know what that is in Ubuntu.] In 
kubuntu, once on the right page, the entry is there, just not enabled. 
When I was there I just checked the box beside the entry and got on 
with it.

> When wakes, its a bit for all the windows to collect to the one screen.
> On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 17:02, L.D. Paniak <ldpaniak at fourpisolutions.com>wrote:
>> Let's try the other way:  If you reboot in the dock, everything is OK on
>> the external monitors, correct.
>> What happens when you removed the laptop from the dock?  Black screen on
>> laptop?  If so, try opening the Monitor control before removing from the
>> dock.  You should be able to 1) turn on the laptop screen and 2) turn
>> off the monitors.  Now remove from dock. Do you still have a desktop on
>> the laptop screen?
>> On Tue, 2011-10-04 at 16:42 -0400, Kiwi Ssennyonjo wrote:
>>> That is the problem, all monitors including the laptop lcd are off
>>> (dark)
>>> I am unable to try Lori's sugguestion
>>> On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 16:23, unsolicited <unsolicited at swiz.ca> wrote:
>>>         That makes sense - if you undock all external monitors would
>>>         be shut down.
>>>         Once redocked, if you do as Lori suggests, are you able to
>>>         reestablish the external monitors?
>>>         It would also help for the purposes of your testing if you
>>>         keep your laptop open. I'm guessing your laptop screen is
>>>         still working while your other monitors are dark.
>>>         Kiwi Ssennyonjo wrote, On 10/04/2011 3:59 PM:
>>>                 the monitors are both on but nothing being displayed.
>>>                 On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 15:53, L.D. Paniak
>>>                 <ldpaniak at fourpisolutions.com>wrote:
>>>                         What do you mean by "monitors go crazy"?  Do
>>>                         you get desktop backgrounds
>>>                         on each monitor?
>>>                         Try popping open the
>>>                         System->Preferences->Monitors (that's the
>>>                         location
>>>                         in 10.04) window and see if all three screens
>>>                         appear as options and if
>>>                         changes there help.
>>>         .
>>>         .
>>>         .
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>>> Kiwi Ssennyonjo
>>> http://www.ssenn.com
>>> twitter:@kiwoneka
>>> m:519-744-3200
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