[kwlug-disc] Scripting in Linux and unit.d

Michael Savage msavage at golden.net
Sun Jan 8 12:37:31 EST 2012

Darn! Any Wednesday but the 2nd of the month :(

On 08/01/2012 12:19 PM, Darcy Casselman wrote:
> A gentleman named Albert O'Connor is interested in starting up WatPy,
> a local Python user group.  He's tentatively scheduled Wednesday,
> February 8 as the date of an initial organizational meeting.  I don't
> have any other details, but I'll let him know there's interest here.
> Darcy.
> On Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Michael Savage<msavage at golden.net>  wrote:
>> I am interested.
>> Mike
>> On 08/01/2012 3:33 AM, Bob Jonkman wrote:
>>> Charles McColm and I were recently bitten by the
>>> "We-want-to-be-Python-programmers" bug. On Friday at Ubuntu Hour we met a
>>> fellow from London (ON).  Sadly, my memory has lost its parity bits and I
>>> don't recall his name. Maybe "Mars" on the Ubuntu IRC channel? Anyway, he's
>>> a professional Python programmer, and he said he might be willing to come
>>> back to guide some of us newbies towards a life of Pythony goodness.  He
>>> suggested we start with Mark Pilgrim's "Dive Into Python" or Zed A. Shaw's
>>> "Learn Python The Hard Way".
>>> Is there interest in learning Python within the ranks of KWLUG?  All we
>>> need is a project to work on... The KWPUG  group seems to be defunct, but we
>>> can strike out on our own.
>>> --Bob.
>>> Dive Into Python http://www.diveintopython.net/
>>> Learn Python The Hard Way http://learnpythonthehardway.org/
>>> KWPUG http://kwpug.org
>>> Ubuntu Canada IRC channel irc://irc.freenode.net/#ubuntu-ca or
>>> http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-ca
>>> John Van Ostrand<john at netdirect.ca>  wrote:
>>>    Hi Colon,
>>>    Scripting in Linux relies heavily on the vast array of programs
>>>    either directly or indirectly.
>>>    Bash is the command shell and is commonly used for scripting,
>>>    especially in system start up. It uses external programs heavily. I
>>>    usually start with bash and if it proves poor for the task I move to
>>>    perl by massaging the script.
>>>    Perl is a very flexible and powerful scripting language and it
>>>    borrows a lot of syntax from bash, awk and grep. So learning bash
>>>    helps with perl. It works well for parsing text files.
>>>    Python seems to be one of the more recently popular scripting. With
>>>    add-ons it's used for Fedora admin Gui programs. It also handles
>>>    threading well and has lots of other add-on modules.
>>>    There are lots of other options but these are the common workhorse
>>>    apps for system-level scripting.
>>>    Bash and the common linux commands are worth getting familiar with.
>>>    Regular expressions are also commonly handy. These are the basics
>>>    that I findf handy all the time.
>>>    What are you trying to do?
>>>    ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>    *From*: kwlug-disc-bounces at kwlug.org
>>>    *To*: KWLug Discussion
>>>    *Sent*: Sat Jan 07 18:48:02 2012
>>>    *Subject*: [kwlug-disc] Scripting in Linux and unit.d
>>>    I'm not a programmer but I do understand some fundamentals and
>>>    looking to learn some scripting so that I can automate some tasks.
>>>    What would be a good way to learn this stuff.
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