[kwlug-disc] The Python saga continues...
Bob Jonkman
bjonkman at sobac.com
Fri Jan 27 00:50:24 EST 2012
and now this, from Hacklab.to:
> Introduction to Programming (Python)
> by Christopher Olah on Jan.20, 2012, under Workshops
> On Saturday Feb 11th, I’ll be teaching an Introduction to Python
> workshop. It will go from 10am to 4pm, with a break for lunch.
> Python is a popular programming language, known for its simplicity,
> ease of use, and elegance. An excellent language to start programming
> in.
> We’ll cover some basic programming concepts. What that will include
> will depend on how fast we go :)
> Please RSVP — we have limited space! > http://www.eventbrite.com/event/2811209403/eorg
On 12-01-25 02:20 PM, Bob Jonkman wrote:
> Mike, your wish is granted! ("Darn! Any Wednesday but the 2nd of the
> month :( ")
> I've chatted (by e-mail) with Albert O'Connor, and he's planning a
> Waterloo Python Users Group planning meeting on Thursday, 9 February
> 2012, 7:30pm at Death Valley's Little Brother (drinking establishment?).
> It's a planning meeting, don't expect to be coding or learn any.
> Sign up for the WatPy mailing list at http://watpy.ca
> --Bob.
> On 12-01-23 06:15 PM, Albert O'Connor wrote:
>>> Hey Bob,
>>> Thanks for emailing me.
>>> The current WatPy mailing list is announcement based.
>>> The first event on the 9th (I am also hoping meeting with people on
>>> the 8th) is for people who are interested in helping to shape and run
>>> WatPy. There are many things such as group could do including helping
>>> people to learn Python and host discussion lists for people with
>>> different levels and types of interest in Python.
>>> So there aren't any firm plans about teaching Python, I would be
>>> personally interested facilitating it, I am just not sure what the
>>> right approach is. Possibly a 3 hour introductory session followed by
>>> meeting where people can ask questions if they get stuck.
>>> As for including on the WatCamp list, I would love for you to add it.
>>> I don't think we are going to be overwhelmed with too many people.
>>> Can you include a description something like this:
>>> WatPy Drinks is a casual gathering of people interested in forming and
>>> running a Python group in the Waterloo Region. If you are simply
>>> interested in hearing about the events we end up running please join
>>> our mailing list at watpy.ca
> On 12-01-08 12:37 PM, Michael Savage wrote:
>> Darn! Any Wednesday but the 2nd of the month :(
>> Mike
>> On 08/01/2012 12:19 PM, Darcy Casselman wrote:
>>> A gentleman named Albert O'Connor is interested in starting up WatPy,
>>> a local Python user group. He's tentatively scheduled Wednesday,
>>> February 8 as the date of an initial organizational meeting. I don't
>>> have any other details, but I'll let him know there's interest here.
>>> Darcy.
>>> On Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Michael Savage<msavage at golden.net>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I am interested.
>>>> Mike
>>>> On 08/01/2012 3:33 AM, Bob Jonkman wrote:
>>>>> Charles McColm and I were recently bitten by the
>>>>> "We-want-to-be-Python-programmers" bug. On Friday at Ubuntu Hour we
>>>>> met a
>>>>> fellow from London (ON). Sadly, my memory has lost its parity bits
>>>>> and I
>>>>> don't recall his name. Maybe "Mars" on the Ubuntu IRC channel?
>>>>> Anyway, he's
>>>>> a professional Python programmer, and he said he might be willing
>>>>> to come
>>>>> back to guide some of us newbies towards a life of Pythony
>>>>> goodness. He
>>>>> suggested we start with Mark Pilgrim's "Dive Into Python" or Zed A.
>>>>> Shaw's
>>>>> "Learn Python The Hard Way".
>>>>> Is there interest in learning Python within the ranks of KWLUG? All we
>>>>> need is a project to work on... The KWPUG group seems to be
>>>>> defunct, but we
>>>>> can strike out on our own.
>>>>> --Bob.
>>>>> Dive Into Python http://www.diveintopython.net/
>>>>> Learn Python The Hard Way http://learnpythonthehardway.org/
>>>>> KWPUG http://kwpug.org
>>>>> Ubuntu Canada IRC channel irc://irc.freenode.net/#ubuntu-ca or
>>>>> http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-ca
>>>>> John Van Ostrand<john at netdirect.ca> wrote:
>>>>> [...] Python seems to be one of the more recently popular
>>>>> scripting. With
>>>>> add-ons it's used for Fedora admin Gui programs. It also handles
>>>>> threading well and has lots of other add-on modules.
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