[kwlug-disc] Yak -> Voice Network [Was: Re: OT - EyeSurf]

Khalid Baheyeldin kb at 2bits.com
Thu May 24 13:16:24 EDT 2012

As far as I know the Egyptian investor, Sawires, has invested in WIND
Mobile only and nothing other than that.

Do you have info that he has invested in Yak or EyeSurf or something else?
On May 24, 2012 1:03 PM, "unsolicited" <unsolicited at swiz.ca> wrote:

> Given the news interviews I have seen (some while back), I expect this is
> part of the Egyptian investor (partially?) divesting himself of an
> investment he wishes he had never made. The Canadian telco / investing
> environment, let alone the Feds poking their fingers in and out and
> inconsistently into this walled garden has made him regret ever becoming
> involved. Too much aggravation.
> But I'm just WAGing and FUD speculating.
> Not to say we're not both correct, in our guesses.
> AFAIK the (foreign) investment environment in this area isn't going to get
> any better for non-incumbents, any time soon. (Given the Conservatives.)  I
> don't expect we'll see significant competition / lower cell data price
> plans. Which may well drive wi-fi use (e.g. malls) significantly - again to
> the incumbents. Continuing to have you both coming and going.
> Interesting to see the Dell and HP news wherein they attributed much of
> their poor performance to the increase in smart phone and tablet purchases
> (and laptops, too, I think I heard), over the traditional computer.
> [Traditional computers being commoditized / they haven't been successful in
> figuring out a value add home consumers are willing to pay extra for. I do
> wonder to what extent FOSS / Android (/ Chrome Apps?) interact with that.]
> On 5/23/2012 11:29 PM, Bob Jonkman wrote:
>> I just found out that Yak has been acquired by Voice Network. It was
>> formerly owned by Globalive, who also own Wind Mobile. I don't
>> understand why a voice communications company (Globalive) would sell one
>> of their voice service providers to another voice communications company
>> (VN), a competitor in the same marketplace... I'm thinking that it's
>> part of a VOIP shakeout, similar to the ISP shakeout of the early 2000's
>> which left only Bell and Rogers as mainstream ISPs...
>> http://www.voicenetwork.ca/**residential/index.php<http://www.voicenetwork.ca/residential/index.php>
> .
> .
> .
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