[kwlug-disc] (Running a VPS) Mail Server? [Was: VPS (again)]

Myles Braithwaite me at mylesbraithwaite.com
Fri Dec 19 09:45:02 EST 2014

On Fri, Dec 19, 2014 at 4:49 AM, B. S. <bs27975 at yahoo.ca> wrote:
>>I run a little mail server, and a few small web pages, nothing really
>> more.
> Speaking of ...
> The idea of running one's own mail server has always seemed a little 'scary' - not just to me, but others here have expressed similar.
> So many little fiddly bits, DNS stuff [can't recall the term, not DFC - the MX record isn't the problem, it's the rest], multiple programs chained together, blacklists, spamassasin, don't know what all else.
> Always seemed too much work. Anyone using yahoo these days probably wonders if it's less work than Yahoo has been!
> Is there a current best practices how to on running one's own e-mail server (IMAP, not POP) out there these days? [Googling it will just bury you.]
> Colin, has it been much of a problem / time consumer, what did you use to figure out what you needed to get going, and so on?

Have you seen sovereign[1] yet? It's a collection of Ansible playbooks
for automating the setup and maintenance of running your own mail
server (and a bunch of other services).

[1]: https://github.com/al3x/sovereign

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