[kwlug-disc] What is all this about systemd?

unsolicited unsolicited at swiz.ca
Thu Jul 17 20:25:59 EDT 2014

That's disturbing.

Guess my bubble that *nix is *nix burst with CentOS vs Debian. Got worse 
with OpenSuSe. I like the phrase in the article ... "It’s a UNIX system! 
I know this!." Not so much, it turns out. One of the reasons I got so 
very tired of Windows was the moving target. Stop making me relearn what 
I already know, and let me get on with my day. I know how to use the 
hammer, let me get on with doing something useful with it. Stop handing 
me a different hammer.

The recent thread here of "Switching Jobs from Debian Shop to RHEL?" 
just re-demonstrates all of this.

The deal breaker for me is su vs sudo. sudo assumes there is more than 
one admin per machine, and allows the logging / tracking based on that 
userid. su takes that away, and forces the sharing / common root 
password across the organization. <sad>

Not to start a flamewar here.

On 14-07-17 05:51 PM, Khalid Baheyeldin wrote:
> If you are like me, and watching the creeping up of systemd (e.g. Debian
> voting for it, and Ubuntu following), and dreading it ...
> Here is an article why systemd is a concern, and the FLOS (one S!)
> philosophy behind it ...
> http://pappp.net/?p=969

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