[kwlug-disc] What is all this about systemd?

John Johnson jvj at golden.net
Fri Jul 18 19:25:53 EDT 2014

On 2014-07-18 18:57, Khalid Baheyeldin wrote:
> If things are decoupled or loosely coupled, then we get to chose any 
> lego block to fit.

As a minimally Linux-literate user and CLI enthusiast, I am following 
this discussion with interest.
The reference to Lego blocks above caught my attention.

OT (maybe): Many decades ago, as a 10 year old I was enthralled by 
plastic bricks made by a competitor to Lego.
I found that the Lego product was inferior as it was limited compared to 
my choice.
But my choice disappeared from the market.

I found out many years later that Lego had acquired the competitor and 
closed it down.
Thus removing the option and the choice.

sysadm: Unix System III

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