[kwlug-disc] Leaving Bell

CrankyOldBugger crankyoldbugger at gmail.com
Mon Jul 21 15:19:55 EDT 2014

Just an update.. as you may recall, we are on Phase 5 of 5 in our plans to
eliminate Bell Canada from our home.  The last piece of the puzzle is my
wife's cellphone, currently under contract with Bell.

We tried to get Bell to unlock the phone, but they insist that we phone the
unlock guy and give him $50 by credit card.  I know it's probably safe
since it's Bell... but I refuse to give a complete stranger my credit card
number over the phone unless I absolutely have to.

But because we actually called Bell and asked what the procedure is to
unlock the phone (then secretly run down to Koodo and let them activate the
phone), Bell has been phoning us constantly, asking us why are we so
unhappy with them???  And they keep phoning the cell phone despite the fact
that we told them repeatedly to call the house (Wifeski doesn't carry her
cellphone with her around the house all day).

We like the cellphone model so we wanted to unlock it and keep it with the
next carrier (probably Koodo, as I mentioned).  It's hard to find phones
with slide out keyboards anymore, outside of BlackBerries.

So I'm at the point now where I think I will just cancelled the account
outright, pay whatever the early termination penalties are, take a boat to
the middle of the Atlantic and toss the phone overboard, then go start a
new account at another carrier, even with a less desirable phone.

Why? Because Bell is infuriated us to the point where we are running out of
colourful adjectives to throw at them.  How in the FSM's name do they stay
in business???
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