[kwlug-disc] my freedns.afraid.org venture
Bob Jonkman
bjonkman at sobac.com
Sat Mar 22 15:14:27 EDT 2014
Hash: SHA1
Hi John: Is the address of the router the external (WAN) address, or
the internal (LAN) address? nslookup tells me
> $> nslookup tardisxl5.mooo.com Server: Address:
> Non-authoritative answer: Name: tardisxl5.mooo.com Address:
If the address is your external (WAN) address then the
problem is most likely punching a hole in your firewall for Web
services (port 80) to get from that external address to the internal
host providing the Web service. Look for "NAT translation" or
"Games/Application Sharing" on the firewall.
If is not your external WAN address then something else
is wrong. If tardisxl5.mooo.com is not the domain name you're trying
to acquire then I don't understand the .conf file you provided.
FWIW, I use dnsdynamic.org, which uses the dyndsn2 protocol. My
ddclient.conf file looks like this:
> # Configuration file for ddclient generated by debconf # #
> /etc/ddclient.conf
> protocol=dyndns2
> # use=if, if=eth0 use=web, web=myip.dnsdynamic.com # get ip
> from server.
> server=www.dnsdynamic.org login=bjonkman at sobac.com password='really
> secret password' lpr.dnsd.me
No, KWLUG haxors, there are no useful services at that address, or
login/PW combo.
- --Bob.
On 14-03-22 02:54 PM, John Kerr wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I have been working on this for too long with nothing to show for
> it
> I can't get freedns.afraid.org service to see past my router. I am
> on Rogers as an ISP.
> I have tried pointing to a computer on my my lan as well as
> pointing to the router name as well. same result I can ping the
> server but the IP that comes back is that of the router. when I try
> to hit a web page it hangs.
> I tried setting up freedns.afraid .org a the dns service and it
> tells me the host is invalid. It is a dling DIR-655 Here is my
> inadyn.conf file this one is trying to hit the name of my router
> -username --password --update_period_sec 300 --forced_update_period
> 21600 --alias alias
> TardisXL5.mooo.com,Tnh6Q1JGSDFYU3pRaFh0YXVlSWE6MTEzMTY2MzI=
> --background --dyndns_system default at freedns.afraid.org --syslog
> that is it, exactly as shown -- less login info Any ideas? Apache
> is working. Thanks in advance I had another file trying to point at
> the webserver on my network that did not work either.
> thanks
> John
Bob Jonkman <bjonkman at sobac.com> Phone: +1-519-669-0388
SOBAC Microcomputer Services http://sobac.com/sobac/
http://bob.jonkman.ca/blogs/ http://sn.jonkman.ca/bobjonkman/
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