[kwlug-disc] mutt-compatible mail client

Khalid Baheyeldin kb at 2bits.com
Sun May 11 10:17:28 EDT 2014

On Sun, May 11, 2014 at 6:42 AM, Paul Nijjar <paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca> wrote:

> Here is the offending header, from lists.wpirg.org (which is hosted by
> CCj/Clearline):
> Authentication-Results: mta1596.mail.gq1.yahoo.com from=lists.wpirg.org;
> domainkeys=neutral (no sig); from=yahoo.ca; dkim=permerror (bad sig)
> It's the "dkim=permerror" that is causing the issue.
> Here is a message I sent to kwlug-disc (also hosted by CCj/Clearline):
> Authentication-Results: mta1510.mail.ne1.yahoo.com  from=kwlug.org;
> domainkeys=neutral (no sig);  from=yahoo.ca; dkim=neutral (no sig)

If you do:

$ dig txt wpirg.org

You will see that it has a txt record with garbage in it. Just a quotation.

This is perhaps why DKIM on Yahoo treats it differently than KWLUG

This is how a DKIM should look like (in test mode, but does work, and is
less strict than no test mode)

$ dig txt mail._domainkey.2bits.com

Note that it goes to a subdomain starting with the service (usually
"mail"), then _domainkey

There is a corresponding part on the server, by installing opendkim, and
generating a key.

Setting up DKIM is a huge pain, and therefore I recommend first that you
get the domain owners of wpirg.org to delete the txt record, then try after
DNS has propagated, and see if that solves the problem.
Khalid M. Baheyeldin
2bits.com, Inc.
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