[kwlug-disc] OT: Broadcast TV in trouble?

William Park opengeometry at yahoo.ca
Sat Dec 12 12:58:56 EST 2015

On Sat, Dec 12, 2015 at 10:38:39AM -0500, Andrew Kohlsmith (mailing lists account) wrote:
> a la carte is the only sane way forward. As much as I love the idea of
> broadcast TV and have enjoyed experimenting with antennas and baluns
> and MythTV and ATSC drivers??? The barrier to watching a broadcast
> station is now not much lower than access to a web stream. All these
> bundling ideas end up bad in the end because you can???t please
> everyone with your bundle choices.

Main problem with "Broadcast TV" is we have to adjust to their time
table.  "Online" thing is a response to that, of course, with the help
of enabling technologies and infrastructure.

I really don't know why TV stations don't have online live feed or
online reruns of what they broadcast.  I mean, their revenue is ad.
So, ad in the broadcast, ad in the online streaming, I don't have
problem with it.  All their problems will be solved with that.

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