[kwlug-disc] Cell phone providers

Khalid Baheyeldin kb at 2bits.com
Tue Jun 2 18:14:30 EDT 2015

If you own the phone (e.g. you bought it outright, or got it used from
Kijiji), you can unlock it for anywhere between $10 to $30 depending on the
model and carrier it is locked to.

I have had good service from http://www.cellunlocker.net/
You can get a quote from them by entering your phone info (including IMEI).

If you are thinking of the carrier unlocking the phone, I am not sure if it
is like the USA now where they have to unlock it for you after some time.

On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 3:03 PM, CrankyOldBugger <crankyoldbugger at gmail.com>

> I forgot about unlocking.  I suppose I'll have to do that if I want to
> change providers.  Do they still charge for that?
> On Tue, 2 Jun 2015 at 14:58 Brian Bentley <bhbentley at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Happy user of:
>> http://www.speakout7eleven.ca/
>> because I use the phone very little. When in my busy work season, I
>> sometimes buy data for a month.
>> For the US, it is looking like
>> https://www.roammobility.com/
>> is the best deal and the best solution. My friend and I recently tested
>> the service for text and data and it worked very well.
>> Our tests using ChatSim ( http://www.chatsim.com/en ) failed miserably.
>> Avoid.
>> We're using Nexus 5s, unlocked of course.
>> On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 2:33 PM, CrankyOldBugger <
>> crankyoldbugger at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> So a telemarketer from Telus called me at work today to remind me that
>>> my three contract with them finishes up this month.  Would I like a new
>>> phone now?  I told him that I was waiting for an Ubuntu phone to come out.
>>> He honestly had no idea what I was talking about and he said that he's
>>> never heard of Ubuntu.  I explained to him that it's an OS.  So he said
>>> "oh, so it runs on Android?"
>>> Nevertheless...  I was wondering what you guys using for cell phone
>>> providers?  I know Bob uses Wind for the unlimited data but has poor
>>> coverage.  I recently switched Wifeski over to Koodo and that seems to be
>>> working out for her, but she's not a heavy user.
>>> I know you're going to ask me just what I need from a provider, so I
>>> will tell you now before you ask.... Basically I'm looking for:
>>> Ubuntu phones! (yes, I know, I have to wait...)
>>> not a lot of texting
>>> not a lot of voice calls
>>> I used maybe 150-200 meg of data a month on my current plan
>>> I like the "fav 10" or whatever they call it where there's a list of
>>> numbers that I can call for free from anywhere in Canada.
>>> Since I do occasionally travel to the US, free roaming/calling in the US
>>> would be nice, if it doesn't add too much to the monthly bill.
>>> Other than the numbers on the "fav 10" or US calls, I really don't do a
>>> lot of long distance.
>>> And those of you who know me will know, I don't want Bell!
>>> What are you guys using, and are you happy with your provider?
>>> Thanks!
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Khalid M. Baheyeldin
2bits.com, Inc.
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