[kwlug-disc] [kwlug-announce] Meeting Monday, 7pm: File Synchronization (Oct 2015)

Raul Suarez rarsa at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 4 11:38:54 EDT 2015

And remember that being a perennial Linux beginner, my presentations are usually non-technical
This talk is no exception, so invite any friends who may be curious about this linux thing for them to see how many options are there. Raul Suarez Technology consultant Software, Hardware and Practices _________________ Twitter: rarsamxhttp://developerpractices.com  http://rarsa.blogspot.com/ An eclectic collection of random thoughts 

     On Friday, October 2, 2015 9:24 PM, Paul Nijjar <paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca> wrote:

Is your life disjointed? Do things just not match up? This is a
fractured world, and many of us live fractured lives. It does not help
that often our important files are tucked away in nooks and crannies
of hard drives (and filing cabinets) all over the place. Once upon a
time Raul Suarez was disjointed too, but now he is whole. He went on a
quest to unify his files, exploring the recesses of rsync and the
outlands of OwnCloud, until finally he discovered a solution that
worked for him. This Monday he will share his tales of adventure and
treachery with us, so that we might become whole as well.

I guess there was not enough makering going on during the Maker Expo,
so the Kitchener Public Library is hosting a "DIY Festival" on
Saturday, October 24 from 10am-3pm. There does not appear to be much
more information online, but there is a little on the event listing

Come to the meeting! It will be held at 

St John's Kitchen
97 Victoria Street North
(at Weber)

There are maps and pictures at http://kwlug.org/sjk

The meeting starts at 7pm. Setup starts at 6:30pm or so, and setup
helpers are greatly appreciated. 

- Paul 

"How to Win Proportional Representation" talk: Oct 28, 7pm, St John's
Kitchen. All welcome. (Contact me for more info.)

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