[kwlug-disc] Upcoming meetings?

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Wed Feb 3 14:35:43 EST 2016

There are a bunch of meeting presenters who have made offers, but we
do not have enough scheduled yet.

Tentatively, March is going to be Raul discussing mastering a DVD with
photos, and Bob Jonkman doing KDEnlive.

Chris Irwin promised us a presentation on syncing stuff, which I am
hoping will be in June. Chris: does that work for you?

Ian Goldberg from UW has tentatively offered something, but not until
later this year. 

Sergio Durigan from Toronto is offering a session on
GDB (which might end up being in March, but I doubt it). 

Marc Paré has offered to present some geneology software he uses (but
I believe the software is proprietary).

Other than this we have had the following requests. Can you make
someone's dreams come true by presenting on one of these topics?

- Setting up Let's Encrypt (Did Jeff Voskamp offer this?)
- How the Internet works (Tim suggests breaking this down into a bunch
  of components and having different people talk about each one)
- Bob Jonkman would like a session on managing passwords: what
  password managers do we use and how do we use them?

What do you want to learn about? What is relevant and interesting in
the world of FLOSS today?

Also: yesterday I went to a pretty awesome talk by the Library Freedom
Project. They are running some trainings for librarians and library
patrons on security and privacy, and they somehow have amazing
turnouts. This kind of presentation is bad because then I start
wishing we could offer something like this too: 


but I do not have the tuits to run this myself. (I kind of want to do
a meetup where jobsearchers develop programming portfolios on Github,
but I don't think I have tuits for that, either.) 


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