[kwlug-disc] What do people dis/like for things like github.com these days?

Chris Irwin chris at chrisirwin.ca
Sun Oct 23 02:19:59 EDT 2016

On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 07:40:50PM -0400, B.S. wrote:
>Seems to me when things like github.com have come up in the list, 
>occasionally there has been a note of dislike or unhappiness with them 
>- mostly on a philosophical level? (Some level of non-freedom? 
>Proprietary-ness?) The specifics escape me at the moment.
>Anyone with any particular likes or dislikes for such these days?
>(Not looking to start a flamewar - I have no opinions.)
>At the moment I'm only thinking about individual files or scripts, not 
>packaging or building - although that's an interesting topic too. For 
>that sourceforge immediately comes to mind - not for its quality, or 
>lack thereof, but because its been noteworthy as having various issues 
>over the years.
>Mind you, I suppose one appreciates additional facilities like 
>documentation repositories, wiki's, issue tracking, and the like, as 
>they both seem to - be it for such standalone files, or more. Tracking 
>number of views, I suppose, would be a minimum.

I'm using (and very happy with) self-hosted gitlab. Though I don't have 
any public projects.

If I had anything that needed to be public, I'd probably configure my 
gitlab repositories to auto-push to github.

Also, sourceforge is under new ownership. Apparently the shady activity 
has been left in the past.

Chris Irwin

email:   chris at chrisirwin.ca
 xmpp:   chris at chrisirwin.ca
  web: https://chrisirwin.ca

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