[kwlug-disc] Gitlab (== personal GitHub?) [Was: Re: KWLUG Planet]

B.S. bs27975.2 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 3 21:33:14 EST 2017

On 02/03/2017 07:36 PM, Andrew Sullivan Cant wrote:
> Yup, I have continued to make the mistake of keeping my site on a
> CloudAtCost instance, which does not periodically. Mostly know one looks
> at it so that is OK. :)
> But of course, but have I post a link here it does down and cannot even
> be recovered. :( And not response from their support.
> I think I'm going to try out Github and Gitlab pages, next.
> Though it does remind me that I need to POSSE to other services, so this
> can be less of a pain in the future.

Based on the prior mention of Jekyll, I am in the midst of working 
through the -morass- of it all, now. [Having pulled on the Jekyll 
string, kramdown, liquid, html, JavaScript, gems, ruby, github, official 
/ github plugin / github-pages, fonts, glyphs, icons, more are all 
coming along on an unexpected landslide of tech ...]

So I'm guessing you mean Github and Github Pages?

For those that didn't know:
- that readme.md at the top of github people / projects / pages / 
repositories, is markdown - kramdown, specifically.
- you can host your own static Jekyll website on Github (called Github 
Pages), and you can have one per person / repository, and one for each 
Project. [Many projects per repository, possible.] (All residing under 
whichever point's doc sub-directory.)

'Gitlab' seems to keep being mentioned on the list.

Is Gitlab not one's own personal GitHub? (And thus people can privately 
share their Gitlab's, thereby creating robust redundant can't 
accidentally lose their stuff, facility?)

In the same way ownCloud is (was) one's own private NAS / SharePoint / 
etc? CE's (Community Editions), in essence, in a sense? As in the same 
way one can download and install Apache (or your favourite sw) for one's 
own personal / privately served website?

And ... it seems that GitHub was once widely welcomed, but less so these 
days. Issues?

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