[kwlug-disc] KWLUG is changing
Bob Jonkman
bjonkman at sobac.com
Thu Jan 5 04:05:58 EST 2017
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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/1769625 [*]
Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/communities/115114252286157818425
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kwlug [*]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/235909336445540/
Also Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2372274435/ (why two?)
IRC: http://webchat.freenode.net/?randomnick=1&uio=d4&channels=kwlug
And finally, one using FAIF software:
Fediverse: http://sn.jonkman.ca/kwlug [*]
[*] Services on which I have admin access; send me an encrypted
message if you want access.
- --Bob.
On 2017-01-05 03:22 AM, Chamunks wrote:
> Since this is a completely separate subsection of this topic.
> Social media and networking. I've been going out of my way for the
> past few months to review social media as a whole listening to
> social media podcasts and other misc sources of information about
> that industry. What I think that we could or should potentially do
> is put something on our to-do list which will be like a Linkedin
> organization page for professional exposure. Then a Google plus to
> cash in on that instant Google indexing of latest information.
> Depending on if we get a new location that is not only free but
> also has reliable internet we can dedicate to a potential live
> stream we could make yet another attempt to do this if we use
> OpenBroadcastSoftware OBS https://obsproject.com/download
> LinkedIn has the added benefit of being connected to most companies
> and educational facilities in ways that are generally unclear on
> networks like twitter and facebook.
> Google apparently instantly indexes things that are posted to
> Google Plus so pushing videos, audio recordings and information
> about our blog posts/meetings will boost our exposure a lot.
> Twitter is more of a news and support system than it is anything
> else. Ideally posting things like meeting times a few times is
> perfectly okay. Twitter mantra, repost repost repost. Remember its
> a high volume stream of "social" which means that if someone isn't
> staring at their stream for the precise moment of the day that
> we've posted our announcements they'll get buried under others.
> Scheduling tweets are not a bad idea. Also, there is a pinned
> tweet function where we can pin a link to the latest most relevant
> information to keep people in the know for those who actually
> directly interact with our Twitter page.
> Finally, this is *Social Media* meaning that it's not only
> acceptable to brag about the stuff that we do but reaching out and
> talking to people is encouraged. We can reach out to those who do
> talks via twitter and schools or etc who are involved in content
> that we're showcasing is encouraged.
> Last two cents before I knock out for the evening. Meetup can be
> good but if its a paid service even for not for profit scenarios
> like ours, it seems like a bad plan.
> On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 3:09 AM Chamunks <chamunks at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I have an idea, let's get a Kanban board up somewhere, I've been
>> using Trello for my company but since that breaks with the spirit
>> of FOSS embedded within this project. Let's try Taiga.io perhaps
>> in a few docker containers. This way we can get a "tacti-cool"
>> overview of all of the things that we need to be done. This way
>> we can keep with this suggestion of a "do-ocracy" but move to a
>> more Agile method of managing this project. I believe that a
>> Kanban will be ideal since we basically just need a fancy
>> collaborative to-do list. This way positions can be unofficial
>> and the first available person who is capable of picking up a
>> task can just cherry pick what they want to do and one or two
>> people can just be responsible for chasing up people who have
>> checked out items.
>> https://taiga.io/
>> I would be willing to attempt to make a dockerized instance that
>> would be reasonably portable so in case we DO actually use this
>> thing we can try to move it somewhere fancier than potentially my
>> desktop.
>> Also is there a way that I can send my phone number to people
>> without it being published in the mailing list archives so that I
>> can be reached if anyone has questions about my maniacal schemes
>> for KWLUG organization.
>> Another reason why I think that this method is ideal is because
>> fundamentally the person(s) who run this project still don't
>> really know a clear cut way to separate the responsibilities
>> officially to people and whether or not that's even an ideal
>> method to pursue. I also really love redundancy and organization
>> so that in case one person is in Russia or something that month
>> for business someone else can pick up easily where the last one
>> left off.
>> On Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 8:55 PM Jeff Smith
>> <crankyoldbugger at gmail.com> wrote:
>> No, Paul, you seem to be the hardest working guy in the group;
>> you should be able to delegate more stuff away. I'll try to pick
>> up whatever jobs I can. KWLUG was instrumental to me when I was
>> learning Linux (and still is/still am), so it seems only fair
>> that I take some of the tasks.
>> On 2017-01-03 8:41 PM, Paul Nijjar via kwlug-disc wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jan 03, 2017 at 11:37:03PM +0000, CrankyOldBugger
>>> wrote:
>>>> I would be more than happy to take on more of a role in
>>>> KWLUG, although
>> I
>>>> confess that I'm not sure where I could fit in best at this
>>>> point. Minister of Confused People, perhaps?
>>> The same suggestions as with Bill apply. You did some good work
>>> on non-KWLUG stuff before (finding candidates during the
>>> municipal election) so maybe site cleanup would be a good role
>>> once the new site is up.
>>> Another idea would be to find out some workshops or hands-on
>>> things that members would like to see happen and then make them
>>> happen.
>>>> I will also rattle a few chains to see if I can help with the
>>>> venue
>> issue.
>>>> No promises yet.
>>> That would be good. As I wrote before, I am apprehensive about
>>> re-opening the venue discussion but maybe it needs to happen.
>>> - Paul
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>> _______________________________________________ kwlug-disc
>> mailing list kwlug-disc at kwlug.org
>> http://kwlug.org/mailman/listinfo/kwlug-disc_kwlug.org
> _______________________________________________ kwlug-disc mailing
> list kwlug-disc at kwlug.org
> http://kwlug.org/mailman/listinfo/kwlug-disc_kwlug.org
- --
- --
Bob Jonkman <bjonkman at sobac.com> Phone: +1-519-635-9413
SOBAC Microcomputer Services http://sobac.com/sobac/
Software --- Office & Business Automation --- Consulting
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