[kwlug-disc] KWLUG webhost migration: Tuesday March 14

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Tue Mar 14 18:00:18 EDT 2017

The website migration should be done, except for DNS propagation
(which is happening as we speak). My DNS has not been updated, but
Google DNS is showing the right IP address of .

Thanks to Mark Steffen, Steph Smith, Bill Rieck, Bob Jonkman, and
Cedric Puddy for all their help with the migration.

You can report problems to me.

Everybody's user account except mine has been disabled. You can
re-enable your account if you wish, but you will not have much power
unless somebody adds you to a group. 

People who are organizing meetings should activate their accounts (or
have an administrator activate them). 

People who are administrating the website should get active accounts. 

People who (for some reason) want to use the website as a blog should
get active accounts. 

I am writing this email to test whether replies to old messages still
go to the proper server.

- Paul 

On Thu, Mar 09, 2017 at 05:39:59PM -0500, Paul Nijjar via kwlug-disc wrote:
> KWLUG is switching web hosts on Tuesday, March 14. This site will be unavailable for most of Tuesday afternoon. The mailing lists will also be unavailable during the migration.
> We expect that the new, redesigned website will be up and running by Wednesday morning. (I hope that does not jeopardize our one nines uptime.) The canonical status page is http://pnijjar.freeshell.org/2017/kwlug-migration-status/ . Check that page if you are wondering why things are taking so long. 
> We may also try to publish updates to https://twitter.com/kwlug and http://sn.jonkman.ca/kwlug , but we cannot guarantee this (because I have not made arrangements with Bob, and don't know his availability on Tuesday). 
> Once the migration is complete old RSS feeds should work, but there may be a bunch of duplicated entries in your feeds. Unfortunately iCal feeds will break.


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