[kwlug-disc] December meeting and Cory Doctorow talk
Bob Jonkman
bjonkman at sobac.com
Thu Nov 9 00:46:57 EST 2017
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I do want to see the presentations planned for KWLUG on 4 December,
and would like to see Doctorow too.
Happily, there has been no meeting booked yet for KWNPSA for December,
which was intended to be a social night. So if KWLUG moves the meeting
to 11 December then KWNPSA will move to another night, probably 18
Hackernest starts late and goes to the wee hours, so we can all
straggle from KWLUG to Hackernest on the 11th, for those interested in
free beer for $10.
- --Bob.
On 2017-11-09 12:12 AM, Paul Nijjar via kwlug-disc wrote:
> As discussed at the meeting, the University of Waterloo is hosting
> Cory Doctorow for a talk during the evening of Monday, December 4,
> which just happens to be our KWLUG meeting time.
> Originally we had planned to defer the meeting and just go to the
> Doctorow talk instead. But it looks like this will be awkward or
> impossible, because I have received word that the talk is intended
> for current Math/CS faculty people at UW. They have booked the
> Modern Languages Theatre (which seats 400 people) but they expect
> this to "sell out" with just Math/CS people.
> They may be open to letting others in after Math/CS people have
> had first dibs on getting tickets, but they might not do this, and
> we would not find this out until days before the KWLUG meeting.
> What do the rest of us do? Apparently plans are in the works for
> Doctorow to do an afternoon event (maybe 3pm?) at the KPL. That
> reading should be open to the public (and that auditorium seats
> another 200 people). This sucks for people who have jobs
> (including me, who will have the privilege of missing both
> appearances) but is an option for those who can get the afternoon
> off.
> The question now is what to do about the December meeting. Both of
> our presenters would prefer attending the Doctorow talk instead of
> doing their own presentations, but if they cannot get in then
> probably they will present for us as a second best option.
> Given this situation I can think of the following strategies:
> - We can hold the KWLUG meeting as planned, and just expect that
> turnout will be lower if the Doctorow talk is opened to the
> public. This means that the presenters (and I) are locked into
> hosting the meeting on December 4.
> - We could cheat and move our KWLUG meeting to Dec 11. Then if we
> are allowed to attend the Doctorow talk we can attend. If we are
> prohibited from attending we can still go to KWLUG the following
> week. Unfortunately this has domino effect implications for other
> meetups, including the nonprofit sysadmin meetup, and maybe
> HackerNest?
> - We could cancel the December meeting, which ruins our KWLUG
> streak and puts us in the failure mode of being locked out of both
> the Doctorow talk and KWLUG. I like this option the least.
> I do not know how to make a decision between these three options.
> Maybe the presenters could weigh in? Is there an overwhelming
> consensus on what we should do?
> For selfish reasons (ie being allowed to see Doctorow speak even
> though many of you won't) I would prefer moving the meeting to Dec
> 11, but if the presenters cannot move to that date then this will
> not work.
> Thoughts?
> - Paul
- --
Bob Jonkman <bjonkman at sobac.com> Phone: +1-519-635-9413
SOBAC Microcomputer Services http://sobac.com/sobac/
Software --- Office & Business Automation --- Consulting
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