[kwlug-disc] Meltdown and computer sales

Bob Jonkman bjonkman at sobac.com
Thu Jan 18 18:10:21 EST 2018

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John Kerr wrote:
> Is this problem big enough to make IT departments delay any new
hardware purchases?

Nope. If a company needs a new computer now, they need it now. Lost
revenue today for want of a computer now beats potential lost revenue
from a vulnerability.

> Why would anyone buy a computer that is flawed if they can wait
> for
one that is not.

In all that I've read about Spectre and Meltdown, it's all been kernel
patches and other software mitigations. I haven't read a thing about
new hardware architectures that prevent the problems.

And what is the timeline for
Concept->Design->Test->Manufacture->Retail?  With today's CPU
complexity, probably on the order of three years. If a company needs a
new computer now, they're not going to wait three years for a new chip
to be developed.

You'll see last year's designs released on the market this year,
because it would be just too expensive to scrap that entire line of
processors because of a vulnerability. And, if a company needs a new
computer now, they need it now, vulnerability or not.

- --Bob.

On 2018-01-14 02:17 PM, jekerr at sdf.org wrote:
> Hi everyone
> Is this problem big enough to make IT departments delay any new
> hardware purchases?
> Why would anyone buy a computer that is flawed if they can wait for
> on that is not.
> It is almost like Osbourne computer company of yesteryear who
> announced a new faster model was coming when they had a warehouse
> full of the old models. that was the end of them.
> Cheers
> John
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- -- 
Bob Jonkman <bjonkman at sobac.com>          Phone: +1-519-635-9413
SOBAC Microcomputer Services             http://sobac.com/sobac/
Software   ---   Office & Business Automation   ---   Consulting
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