[kwlug-disc] storage suggestions

CrankyOldBugger crankyoldbugger at gmail.com
Wed Jul 31 14:04:42 EDT 2019

Actually I've already used up the Synology's USB ports for drives that I
back the Synology itself up to.. but your idea has merit.

Now the Raspi is an idea also..  I've been playing with the idea of setting
up a FreedomBox and IIRC there might be some sort of backups option in
there..  I must go investigate that one..

Thanks, William.

On Wed, 31 Jul 2019 at 13:36, William Park via kwlug-disc <
kwlug-disc at kwlug.org> wrote:

> Doesn't your Synology have USB port?  You could use that to "extend"
> storage.  If not, some cheap laptop with USB3 port, or lastest Raspberry Pi
> with USB3.
> --William
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> On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 12:15 PM, CrankyOldBugger
> <crankyoldbugger at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm finding that I'm constantly having to clean out my Synology NAS's
> drive space as it keeps getting filled up these days.  So I'm trying to
> come up with some sort of secondary storage solution..
> I don't want to buy new HDDs for the Synology as there's 4 bays,
> (currently occupied by 4TB Seagates in each bay) since going to 4 x 8TB
> could run me around $1,200 and I've used up my hardware budget for the next
> decade already...
> I don't want to build a complete desktop style computer and throw a bunch
> of drives into it.  I just don't have a lot of real estate for another
> desktop..
> I don't want to buy another NAS like the Synology or QNAP (they're great
> devices; I just can't justify the budget right now).
> Ideally I'd like something that's just a toaster size ethernet-connected
> box that I can throw some old HDDs into, and ultimately something that's
> smart enough to run FreeNAS on it.  It has to be able to run Linux, for
> obvious reasons....  I imagine that I would use this box for backups,
> although that's not set in stone yet.  The Synology handles my video
> streaming duties well enough for now.
> Worse-case scenario, I do have an ancient Windows Home Server headless
> device that I could try to load FreeNAS on to (assuming it still works),
> although loading FreeNAS on to a drive on a different system then migrating
> it over to the headless box sounds a bit challenging. The WHS only has
> fast-ethernet so it would probably be restricted to slower duties like
> backups...
> Does anyone have any suggestions?  I've been poking around Amazon and just
> not seeing something that I like.
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