[kwlug-disc] Avoiding Infection ...

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Sun Apr 19 14:41:49 EDT 2020

On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 01:26:07PM -0400, Khalid Baheyeldin wrote:
> >From another thread ...
> (Hope Paul doesn't mind ...)

Paul minds a bit in the sense that this is supposed to be a Linux/FLOSS
list. However, since all we want to talk about is COVID, I guess we
are talking about COVID. I would prefer that we (a) not increase the
anxiety levels too much and (b) when possible emphasize the technology
angles. But I am not going into heavy moderator mode. 

Based on gut feeling this thread is okay, but feels close to the line.
The "okay" part has to do with technology (tapping vs cash) and with
tips on staying safe ("what are the different practices in different
stores"). The "close to the line" has to do with the non-FLOSSiness.

If people are feeling this conversation to be offputting for
kwlug-disc, contact me offlist (paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca) and I will see
what is reasonable to do. I want to keep the community strong by
allowing discussion between members (who have formed relationships
that go beyond strict FLOSS), but I also want to keep the community
strong by not scaring people away any more than is necessary. There is
a tension here. 

- Paul

P.S. If you wear gloves/masks to the grocery store don't take them off
and dump them in the parking lot for underpaid cleaning staff to
dispose of. Bring a quarantine bag, put them in there, and take them
home to put in your own garbage. Honestly, people.

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