[kwlug-disc] Encrypted disk vs Encrypted Home

Ronald Barnes ron at ronaldbarnes.ca
Sun Apr 26 02:20:25 EDT 2020

Ron Singh wrote on 2020-04-25 10:39 a.m.:

> Nope on the disk I/O  -pedestrian use really, spreadsheets, text editor, 
> FF with a fair # of tabs(45-55).

Just throwing a thought out there, but what about swap file access? 
It's a reach, but if there's a lot of swapping, even to SSD, maybe 
there's a clue?

# swapon --show

> All of the TPs have been re-pasted 
> recently with Thermaltake kick-butt diamond-powder-infused(marketing 
> 101!) paste, all are running with Samsung 860 SSDs, so pretty sure they 
> are as identical as can be.
>>     Any ideas on how to get that Encryted Disk temps down? I have the
>>     CPU locked down at 1.2Ghz max(from 2.6Ghz), unused ports go to
>>     sleep, running an SSD, fan is set  for aggressive blowing to
>>     reduce internal chassis temp.
>     I've reverted back to just standard Fedora config at this point. I
>     see thermald is running, but I don't have TLP installed anymore.
>     I do appear to be on the powersave governor, though I'm not sure
>     why/how that was set. I'm somewhat surprised it wasn't ondemand...
>     I believe there is a UEFI setting for system performance (on
>     battery, on ac, etc), but couldn't tell you what mine is set to.
> Hubert has a great idea in trying various kernels, I start that process 
> tomorrow.
> An FYI, before re-pasting, these X220/T520 devices with unencrypted SSDs 
> were idling @ 2%-4% CPU @ 39C-40C and the fan at around 2650-2992RPM. 
> After re-pasting with that mondo-uber-fab Thermaltake TG-8 paste, idling 
> and temps remained the same, but fan went down to 1992-2050RPM. The fan 
> can barely be heard on the unencrypted X220 and T520 with their fans 
> around 2000RPM. Neat, eh?

That *is* neat.

I've got a Dell PowerEdge screaming like a 747 in a spare room and one 
CPU is about 10°C warmer than the other, all the time.

I might just look into repasting it, that's really a good idea.


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