[kwlug-disc] FAANG-free list

Andrew Sullivan Cant acant at alumni.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Apr 30 18:52:48 EDT 2020

On 2020-04-25 5:05 p.m., Benjamin Tompkins wrote:
> Sibername.com used to allow you to pay via money order.  They are based
> in Ottawa.

Interesting. I have been using 10dollar.ca because they are cheap and
fine. Sibername seems to have a similar price, so I might have to
consider the in the future.

> Also, if you are looking at paying for email hosting and are worried
> about privacy.  I would seriously consider not hosting in Canada.
> Swiss privacy laws (where Protonmail is based) are much tighter than
> Canada and they are outside of any Canadian jurisdiction.  Meaning that
> any warrant (for whatever reason) would not do a single thing. 
> Protonmail also as a plan that includes both email hosting and VPN services.

That is a good point.
They have also been open sourcing more of their stack which is pretty

> The only reason that I haven't made that jump myself?  I too am lazy.

Me too! :) One day I will pay for my email....but not today.

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