[kwlug-disc] Internet shutdown in Belarus

Mark Steffen mark at steffen.ca
Thu Aug 27 15:50:57 EDT 2020

There is always HF packet radio, that's about as infrastructure-less 
peer-to-peer as you get.  Linux has built in support for AX.25 too.  
It'll be slow but if you are just trying to get messages out, it should 
do the job.  It is illegal to transmit encrypted data if you are a 
licensed amateur radio operator, however in a situation like that I 
imagine following transmission rules isn't really a top priority, just 
don't xmit from the same place for too long as if you attract the 
attention of the authorities they will be able to find your location by 

Mark Steffen | Mobile/Signal/Telegram +1 226 600 0464

On 2020-08-27 3:40 p.m., Jon Champagne wrote:
> This was a pretty interesting read. VPNs for encrypting traffic so 
> your carrier can't see seem to be becoming more and more important 
> these days, with protests going on around the world, many with less 
> publicity than what we're seeing in the States for instance. I 
> personally hadn't heard of this particular incident in Belarus until 
> today.
> It makes me wonder what options there are out there for pure peer to 
> peer communication. Right now practically everything I can think of 
> relies on some infrastructure that the government would have it's hand 
> in, from instant messaging apps going over the general internet to sms 
> somewhat skipping the internet step but still using the phone 
> infrastructure. Is there any Bluetooth based chat apps for instance? 
> Or something else that doesn't rely on the normal internet and it's 
> somewhat centralized infrastructure.
> Thanks,
> Jon
> On Aug 27, 2020, 11:01 AM -0400, CrankyOldBugger , wrote:
>> I apologize if this is a bit political, but there's some good 
>> background info to the internet black out in Belarus, and how the 
>> citizens hot wired it back in this article:
>> https://gizmodo.com/belarus-turned-off-the-internet-its-citizens-hot-wired-1844853575
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