[kwlug-disc] Permissive vs copyleft licenses

Mikalai Birukou mb at 3nsoft.com
Wed Dec 9 13:39:31 EST 2020

>> Considering that the GPL exists to
>> protect the freedom of *people* using software, and they're abandoning
>> the GPL, ...
> The problem is that the GPL doesn't exist to protect the freedom of people *developing* software. And since software licences are chosen by software developers, it maybe isn't too surprising that 2/3 of projects choose a permissive licence that prioritizes the developer's own freedom over user freedom.
> As it says in the article, "The world has changed – and code freedom is being overtaken by developer freedom."

Choosing licenses to help work with and merge with monopolistic clouds 
(why else they talk about Google preferences in licensing?). In a mean 
time, monopolization kills off everyone who makes developers' lives 
comfortable. ... is it a door bell ringing? delivery? ... Ya. 
Shortsighted. This is very shortsighted.

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