[kwlug-disc] "Microsoft Tax" class action lawsuit

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Sun Jan 3 20:50:20 EST 2021

Most of you are too young to remember this, but there was a time when
free software advocates railed against Microsoft. People grumbled and
groaned about the "Microsoft Tax" -- the extra cost of a new computer
to pay for a Windows licence, even if the computer would be
immediately reinstalled with Yggdrasil or SLS Linux. 

Well, if you paid the Microsoft Tax sometime between 1998-2010 then
maybe you get some money back now? There was a class action lawsuit
about it:


The site to file a claim is https://www.thatsuitemoney.ca/en/home .
The deadline to apply is Sept 23, 2021.

(I am somewhat sad that I do not qualify. Maybe I shouldn't be?)

- Paul

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