[kwlug-disc] Promoting on Twitter, for the moment I guess

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Sun Nov 20 19:01:38 EST 2022

Quoting Doug Moen (doug at moens.org):

> Here's how to find that information.
> * navigate to fosstodon.org
> * in right nav pane, click on "...", revealing the About page.
> * Click on Fosstodon Hub link, which "contains useful information about 
>   Fosstodon". https://hub.fosstodon.org
> * click on "The Team"
> They could use some help with human factors, the info for contacting
> an admin is deeply buried.

Thanks, Doug.

Once I get settled in at infosec.exchange, I'll send admin
Kev Quirk (@kev at fosstodon.org) some tips about how to use a "d-check"
cron job to give him and others timely heads-up on future pending domain
renewal deadlines, so he can avert mishaps like this one:

Article:  http://linuxmafia.com/~rick/preventing-expiration.html
(saved from _Linux Gazette_ where I was one of the editors).

Personally, I follow a policy of keeping DNS domains of interest at
least a couple of years _away_ from expiration at all times.  And 
never, ever, ever just trust autorenew.  It's cheap insurance.

And, y'know, there's a point where "Oops, my bad; I dropped the ball
and should have prevented that" erodes confidence, and it's probably
before you have tens of thousands of users.

Seems like they had a rough time with managing growth, too.  
https://hub.fosstodon.org/elon-twitter-post-mortem/  Hmm, some other
Mastodon sites avoided getting DDoSed during the same period, by capping
new members.  Capacity planning is not easy, though, as some of us know
who do it for a living.

infosec.exchange happens to be run by Ops guys and SREs.  I see some
relative merit in that.

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