[kwlug-disc] ChatGTP + Bing: we're entering a new paradigm and it's mind-blowing

Khalid Baheyeldin kb at 2bits.com
Thu Apr 6 15:53:49 EDT 2023

A few weeks back, Europol was warning on the use of LLMs in crime


Then yesterday, the Washington Post had an article that is very concerning,
even scary, to say the least.

ChatGPT claimed that a certain law professor sexually harassed a student
on a class trip to Alaska, and cites a Washington Post article.
There was no such trip, and no such article.

And Bing/GPT-4 drew from the professor's defence against the false ChatGPT
claims to answer a similar question: so now we have an echo chamber
of bots! Like Social Media Bubbles, but worse ...

ChatGPT also claims that a mayor in Australia served jail time for bribery.

And it led a journalist to contact a certain university professor citing
an article she published, with dates. No such article exists ...

This is likely to ruin lives ... the end of the articles has quotes of

And notably, a Princeton University computer science professor is quoted
saying what Doug Moen said all along: these LLMs are Bullshit Generators ...

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