[kwlug-disc] Video from March meeting and notes about talk at LibrePlanet 2023

Mikalai Birukou mb at 3nsoft.com
Mon Apr 10 11:34:53 EDT 2023

Jason's homelab tour is here:

As for my March talk, an improved version will come next time :) .
Meanwhile, all of constructive feedback was absorbed.

A much smoother presentation with extensive demo had been prepped for
LibrePlanet 2023. If for LibrePlanet 2020 we had recorded demo with
PinePhone (
), this time we decided to demo live on FSF's presentor ThinkPad running
Trisquel. Whole demo ran just fine on Trisquel in vm, but FSF's ThinkPad
froze in a middle of demo at a point of having five-six windows open.
Current suspicion is that FSF folk are picky with video drivers and have
their patches that fail on many electron windows with OBS(?) screen
casting in a background.

Furthermore, we've started a PrivacySafe open collective
https://opencollective.com/privacysafe dedicated to supporting 3NWeb
protocol development and open source implementation. This separates
funding of commons from paying for day-to-day running services for
users. And it is an answer to the question posed at the March meeting:
what can help before there is a solid client version, i.e. before
day-to-day use of 3NWeb services will start. Open collective page will
get more content, I promise. We'll put to a good use cash and crypto
contributions at https://opencollective.com/privacysafe#category-CONTRIBUTE

By the way, there will be Open Source Collective virtual meetup/forum
for Q&A: https://opencollective.com/opensource/events -- note that
April'23 means April 2023, and actual date is 20th of April.

And this is what we call Presentation Driven Development. Bring your
talk to KWLUG!

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