[kwlug-disc] ChatGTP + Bing: we're entering a new paradigm and it's mind-blowing

Ronald Barnes ron at ronaldbarnes.ca
Wed Apr 12 16:48:16 EDT 2023

Khalid Baheyeldin wrote on 2023-04-06 12:53:

> And notably, a Princeton University computer science professor is
> quoted saying what Doug Moen said all along: these LLMs are Bullshit
> Generators ...

On one hand, we're supposed to fear it, on the other it's nothing but a 
bullshit generator.  They feel mutually exclusive.

It's so reductive and dismissive as to be the output of a poor bullshit 

Let's ask elsewhere:

> Is chatgpt a "bullshit generator"?

> As an AI language model, I generate responses based on patterns
> learned from a large dataset of text. My responses are generated
> using complex language models that aim to provide meaningful and
> relevant answers based on the input provided to me. However, I do not
> have inherent intention, consciousness, or personal beliefs, and my
> responses are solely based on patterns learned from data.
> Whether or not you perceive my responses as "bullshit" would depend
> on various factors, such as the quality of the input provided, the
> complexity of the question, and the context in which my responses are
> interpreted. While I strive to provide accurate and helpful
> information, there may be instances where my responses are not
> entirely accurate or may not meet your expectations. It's always
> important to exercise critical thinking and verify information
> obtained from any source, including AI-generated responses.

Looks like ChatGPT has a more thoughtful / nuanced answer than those 
espousing "bullshit generator".

That oughta be embarrassing.

The internet is "just a bunch of computers interconnected" is equally 
reductive and dismissive.

Is it "technically correct"? I'd concede that it is, so pedants rejoice.

But it is such a failure to capture the scope that it's pretty much 
bullshit itself, IMHO.

I equate the two statements.

I will not claim LLMs are some kind of tech utopia, I'm entirely sure 
humanity can do some really terrible stuff with them.

But I'm enjoying the wonder of such a revolutionary technology appearing 
so suddenly and advancing so rapidly.

They advance at a pace unrivalled since either mobile computing or the 
advent of "www".

My 2¢.


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