[kwlug-disc] Refurbished/Used Android phones (best place locally?)

Znoteer znoteer at mailbox.org
Mon Apr 24 09:15:24 EDT 2023


On Mon, Apr 24, 2023 at 09:06:55AM -0400, Federer Fanatic wrote:
> Hi, Just wondering what people's experiences are. I gather it is
> possible to get used phones that have a warranty (at least on
> a preliminary search suggests).

I have successfully purchased 3 phones used in the classified ads (kijiji.com in my case). I  bought an LG G3 that I subsequently resold, and I currently have 2 Google Pixel 3's, one the daily driver the other a backup phone.

> Goal: To install an open source Android platform like GrapheneOS,
> LineageOS. ARe there any other choices.

I'm running CalyxOS on my Pixel 3's. They only support a few models of phones, mind you, compared to LineageOS. I personally fnd the LineageOS ecosystem a fairly toxic place. I'd feel better with Graphene or Calyx myself.

znoteer at mailbox.org

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