[kwlug-disc] Firefox ESR

Khalid Baheyeldin kb at 2bits.com
Mon Dec 4 03:09:00 EST 2023

Because Firefox's normal release cycle is too frequent, I switched to the
ESR version (currently 115 vs 120).

The same Mozilla Team PPA has ESR packages.

The issue was preserving the Firefox profile that I have, including open
tabs, bookmarks, and so on ...

This page
was a starting point, but not enough.

I backed up my profile directory which will be in ~/.mozilla/firefox, and
pointed to in both installs.ini and profiles.ini files in that same
directory. Let us say the existing profile directory is named ppp.

I then renamed ~/.mozilla/firefox to ~/.mozilla/firefox-esr

Then started Firefox like this:

$ firefox-esr --allow-downgrade

That ignores the present profile, and creates a new profile directory that
is named something like this:


And modifies the installs and profiles ini files accordingly.

You need to exit Firefox, then change the occurrences of aaa.default-esr115
in both files to be ppp.

Doing that brought Firefox ESR up with my tabs, bookmarks, ...etc.

The only difference I noticed is that font sizes and zoomed in sites went
back to default.

I hope this gets me off the treadmill of frequent Firefox updates.
Khalid M. Baheyeldin
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