[kwlug-disc] Firefox ESR

Ron Singh ronsingh149 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 4 16:31:50 EST 2023

Just like you, I detest the rapid pace of updates on the regular FF
channel. I use ESR on my Ubuntu-based work laptops, from this PPA --

My needs are pretty pedestrian though and I have not seen any buys that
works against me, so am not sure how much help I can provide.

Ron S.

On Mon, Dec 4, 2023 at 4:18 PM Khalid Baheyeldin <kb at 2bits.com> wrote:

> Anyone else using Firefox ESR here?
> My version is 115.5 from the Mozilla Team PPA.
> I have a couple of bugs that I would like to discuss, and would rather not
> flood members of this list who are not interested.
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