[kwlug-disc] Firefox ESR

Khalid Baheyeldin kb at 2bits.com
Wed Dec 13 09:44:18 EST 2023

Firefox ESR version 115.6 came out yesterday and it still has the same
UTC timezone bug.

Here is the log showing the previous version and the new one.

Start-Date: 2023-12-12  09:37:57
Commandline: apt full-upgrade
Upgrade: firefox-esr:amd64 (115.5.0esr+build1-0ubuntu0.20.04.1~mt1,
End-Date: 2023-12-12  09:38:06

Anyone else using ESR 115.x, but are getting the correct timezone?
Just go to Web Developer Tools, and type this at the very bottom:


Are you getting GMT+0000 or something else?

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