[kwlug-disc] RISC-V products ramping up ...

Khalid Baheyeldin kb at 2bits.com
Sun Jan 22 13:32:19 EST 2023

RISC-V is a free instruction set, and now manufacturers are
starting to offer boards based on it.

Basic MCU for $0.1
Something like this will replace the low end STM boards for
IoT and such ...

Then, there are the SBCs:

Nezha SBC (RPi like)
Older somewhat ...

VisionFive2 SBC
Newer, more capable and cheaper

The issue with these is the same as Pine, Orange and Banana
boards that are ARM based: they offer one version of Linux
when released, and then no updates at all, unlike the RPi.

But good to see another platform powering another round of
innovation ...

Khalid M. Baheyeldin
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