[kwlug-disc] Meeting spaces: last(ish) call for proposals

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Thu Jun 29 08:30:53 EDT 2023

While I am bombarding you with KWLUG administrivia, we might as well
give you an update on in-person meeting spaces. I know (some) people
are eager to get back to in-person meetings. 

Thus far we have two possible spaces that are (close) to being
confirmed. Neither of them is 100% ideal but it is possible that
either could work.

We have another two possibilities that are not confirmed. 

I have done a bit of poking around at other local spaces (Kwartzlab,
churches, libraries) but I have found nothing promising yet. 
(I confess that I have not put as much effort into this as it
deserves. My own spare cycles for KWLUG are limited these days.) 

I understand that I am being deliberately vague about the details of
the spaces. I am mostly writing this to make a last call for people to
propose spaces for us. If you know of something or are willing to look
further please get in touch.

My hope is to put together a page on the KWLUG site with more details
of the confirmed spaces, and then make a decision. The decision might
be authoritarian, or we might try this newfangled "democracy" thing,
understanding that there is not a lot we can do to prevent stuffing of
the ballot box. 

I think the hopeful timeline for having an in-person meeting is
probably September. It could be August if things go very smoothly, but
I am not optimistic about this. The pessimistic timeline is later. 

Putting together the infrastructure for effective hybrid meetings is
another hurdle we have not put much thought into. There were some
people with interest in this (including me!) but we do not have the
equipment or workflow for this yet. 

- Paul

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