[kwlug-disc] New Linux PC Build Advice -- an aside

Jason jasonpa at gmail.com
Mon Oct 23 19:23:39 EDT 2023

Try changing the price from USD to CAD (change country in the top right).
I'm pretty sure I'm building the computer I want ;)

On Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 6:56 PM Steve Izma <sizma at golden.net> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 04:47:00PM -0400, Jason wrote:
> > Subject: [kwlug-disc] New Linux PC Build Advice
> >
> > My current desktop PC is 12 years old, and it's time for an
> > upgrade.
> > ...
> > I put together a parts list, and I've started picking up items,
> > but if there's something glaringly wrong, I can always return
> > parts in the next few weeks.  I'm planning on buying most of
> > the parts around Black Friday in November.
> >
> > https://pcpartpicker.com/user/theoneblackmage/saved/#view=tQdh99
> Slightly off topic:
> Interesting price. I'm pretty sure John C. Dvorak said (sometime
> around 1990, maybe?) that the computer you want always costs
> $3000. But other people refer to Machrone's Rule: The computer
> you want costs $5000. Both Machrone and Dvorak were writing for
> PC magazine at the time, and I usually found their comments very
> entertaining and often useful. They certainly understood the
> industry well.
> In any case, it seems to me that from the late 1980s for at least
> 15 years good workhorse computers that I bought for work always
> cost around $3000. But it's been a long time since I've paid more
> than $2000 for a computer that met my needs for programming and
> typesetting and seemed lightning fast (obviously a subjective,
> temporal assessment). I don't do gaming, so I guess I'm not
> representative of most people who buy computers or components
> beyond consumer-class these days.
>         -- Steve
> --
> Steve Izma
> -
> Home: 35 Locust St., Kitchener, Ontario, Canada  N2H 1W6
> E-mail: sizma at golden.net  phone: 519-745-1313
> cell (text only; not frequently checked): 519-998-2684
> ==
> The most erroneous stories are those we think we know best – and
> therefore never scrutinize or question.
>     -- Stephen Jay Gould, *Full House: The Spread of Excellence
>        from Plato to Darwin*, 1996
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