[kwlug-disc] New Linux PC Build Advice

Jason jasonpa at gmail.com
Wed Oct 25 11:20:01 EDT 2023

Thanks for all the responses!  Here are some replies:


I thought about B650, but I think I'll stick with X670E as I want the
extra PCI Express 5.0 support for futureproofing, and the additional
PCI-E lanes.  My network card will need quite a few lanes as it's a
10Gbps SFP+ card, and is bottlenecked on my current system.

I'll play around with the AMD drivers a bit, but I'll probably stick
with the kernel AMD GPU drivers.  That's one reason I'll probably need
to keep the kernel updated more frequently.

For streaming, I may set up an offloading server virtual machine (I
have plenty of CPU power on my servers), or throw my old Geforce 1070
GPU in the system and use it for dedicated encoding if that works.

I'm used to XFCE/X11/Debian so it'll be quite a change to go to
Fedora/GNOME/Wayland.  So I guess if I switch everything at the same
time, it'll be relearning everything at once, so it won't be as bad?


Still debating how to set up the NVME drives.
I'm still leaning towards RAID-0, as I'm not concerned as much about
the reliability or data loss.
I'd like to have all of the active game installs in one location for
fast access.
I set up some kind of Steam proxy and server backup storage for game
installs/downloads to save time/bandwidth on reinstalls.
For the home directory, I'll probably mount a network drive from my
NAS so everything is saved permanently.

I feel that Asus has been riding on their brand for a long while now,
and their quality, customer service, and marketing has been getting
worse.  These videos were the straw for me:

ASRock is a similar story with warranty support.


The case I want, I believe comes with 3 fans, but I'll get as many as
I need to properly vent air through the case. I just put one on the
build list, but I'll buy multiple 140mm fans as needed.  Ideally vent
the case through the front, and out the top and rear.  I'd like to
stick with air cooling.  My current setup has an AIO, and while it
works, I am concerned about the AIO eventually breaking and leaking.
I don't think full water cooling is for me either for the same reason.

I could do a Fractal 2 XL case, but it might be unnecessary.  I did
check the GPU size requirements, and I don't think the MSI 7900XTX I
want will be a problem.  But if there's not a huge difference in
price, I may get the bigger one.  Right now it's just going to be
sitting on a rack shelf, but in the future when I move, I may want it
on the desk, and the bigger case would take a larget footprint, which
would be unfortunate.


On Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 9:35 PM CrankyOldBugger
<crankyoldbugger at gmail.com> wrote:
> Giles makes a good point: you can never have too many fans.  Best to set it up so that the front fans intake air, and the rear fans exhaust air.  (or the other way around).  The idea here is to get a good, unrestricted air flow.
> You could even consider cooling the CPU with water as well.  On my i9 desktop I've got eight fans blowing air around, and a water cooler on the CPU (with fans that blow air past the water lines out the top of the case)
> On Tue, 24 Oct 2023 at 19:06, Giles Malet <gdmalet at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 2023-10-23 16:47, Jason wrote:
>> [..]
>> > https://pcpartpicker.com/user/theoneblackmage/saved/#view=tQdh99
>> Do you have enough fans? There's only one in your order, and if you get
>> anywhere near burning 1kw (!) of power, there is going to be a lot of
>> heat. I can't see how many the case can take, but putting in more fans
>> maybe allows quieter fans (and some redundancy), which might be
>> something to consider.
>> I have a "big" case, which allows more room for things, and it's easier
>> to work with. It also has I think four fans in it, and is very quiet,
>> most of the time. It's hidden under my desk, so space is not an issue.
>> g
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