[kwlug-disc] Best place in the KWC area to purchase computers (new and used)?

Ron Singh ronsingh149 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 3 19:26:38 EDT 2023

I am biased, but Vision Computers on Phillip Street has been doing good new
and used(mostly new though), hardware for over 30 years.
I am biased because the owner is my brother:-)

Really though, I don't see any reseller being the "best" especially since
you will find an impossibly-large array of offerings in new and used out
there and no one reseller can be all to everyone.
Best bet, decide on a budgetary range, define what you want in a
desktop/laptop, bug people here re: their opinions on your choices and grab
what you need(or think you need).

I run an IT joint and I "need" an X220 and a T520 that I use daily. Yet,
only of my peeps insisted that she needed a Thinkpad P17 RTX-equipped 17"
behemoth to do her work.
I paid about $3600 for my pair of used laptops some 11 years ago(!) and had
to shell out $4600 last year to keep a staffer happy, sigh.
Hopefully she gets at least 11 years out of it!

I think CanadaComputers might just be the ticket for you if you want to
build a desktop from scratch, if a laptop, hit up FB marketplace/Kijiji for
used stuff or go grab a Thinkpad from Lenovo(online) where you have a 30
days no-questions-asked return policy.

Hope this helps.

Ron S.

On Sun, Sep 3, 2023 at 7:00 PM Federer Fanatic <nafdef at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi See subject.
> --------------------------------------------------------------
>  Roger Federer Fanatic Extraordinaire :-)
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