[kwlug-disc] Hybrid meeting feedback thread

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Tue Sep 12 09:18:51 EDT 2023

If you do not feel comfortable responding in public you can email me
directly: paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca 

People who attended in person:
- What did you feel about the experience?
- Would you attend again? Recommend to others?
- What can/should we improve?
- What made you decide to attend in-person as opposed to virtually?
- If the venue changed in some way would that change your decision? If
  so what would need to change?
- What comments do you have about the venue itself?

People who attended online:
- What did you feel about the experience?
- Would you attend again? Recommend to others?
- What can/should we improve?
- What made you decide to attend virtually as opposed to in-person?
- If the venue changed in some way would that change your decision? If
  so what would need to change?

People who did not attend (understanding that not everybody wants to
attend every meeting):
- Were there any factors dissuading you from attending either online
  or in person? If so, what were they?
- What would need to change in order for you to reconsider attending
- Would you have a preference for online vs in person?

All people:
- Should we consider other in-person options? We have the Garment St
  option if we want it. There could be others as well (but I hope not

- Paul

Events: https://feeds.off-topic.kwlug.org 
Housing: https://unionsd.coop
Blog: http://pnijjar.freeshell.org

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