[kwlug-disc] Hybrid meeting feedback thread

Ron Singh ronsingh149 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 12 22:19:08 EDT 2023

I like the idea of keeping it hybrid.
I like(and prefer) in-person meetings, subject to other commitments.
I like Dana Porter selfishly as it is closest to my home and local office.
I actually really like venues like St. John's for it's relaxed and
"grounded" atmosphere.
I am cool with any venue though.

Parking for Dana Porter is a real PITA, but if folks are willing to walk 18
minutes(according to Google Maps), I can talk my landlord at 368 Phillip
Street to allow randos parking in his lot the 1st Monday of the month,
subject to the usual holiday thing making it the 2nd Monday.. Maybe this
will make Dana Porter even more palatable?

See url for the 3 possible paths --

I think I prefer downtown Kitchener venues, as I think it will be kinder to
folks with limited transportation?

Anyway, I will bug my landlord on Thursday to get an aye from him, not
expecting any resistance.
Will send out an update whichever way it goes.

Ron S.

On Tue, Sep 12, 2023 at 9:21 AM Paul Nijjar via kwlug-disc <
kwlug-disc at kwlug.org> wrote:

> If you do not feel comfortable responding in public you can email me
> directly: paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
> People who attended in person:
> - What did you feel about the experience?
> - Would you attend again? Recommend to others?
> - What can/should we improve?
> - What made you decide to attend in-person as opposed to virtually?
> - If the venue changed in some way would that change your decision? If
>   so what would need to change?
> - What comments do you have about the venue itself?
> People who attended online:
> - What did you feel about the experience?
> - Would you attend again? Recommend to others?
> - What can/should we improve?
> - What made you decide to attend virtually as opposed to in-person?
> - If the venue changed in some way would that change your decision? If
>   so what would need to change?
> People who did not attend (understanding that not everybody wants to
> attend every meeting):
> - Were there any factors dissuading you from attending either online
>   or in person? If so, what were they?
> - What would need to change in order for you to reconsider attending
>   meetings?
> - Would you have a preference for online vs in person?
> All people:
> - Should we consider other in-person options? We have the Garment St
>   option if we want it. There could be others as well (but I hope not
>   Sportsworld).
> - Paul
> --
> Events: https://feeds.off-topic.kwlug.org
> Housing: https://unionsd.coop
> Blog: http://pnijjar.freeshell.org
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