[kwlug-disc] Future meeting location(s)

kwlug at c.nixc.us kwlug at c.nixc.us
Wed Sep 20 13:54:05 EDT 2023

I'm personally indifferent as to where this occurs at this point. I 
would be happy to make either location as long as I still reside 
downtown with access to that shared office space. I would be happy to 
grant access whenever necessary in case UW doesn't work that month, and 
My path is relatively clear between here and there so I have no real 
reason not to attend the other location.  We do have good parking 
options in this area and are downtown, but I've tried to remain 
relatively silent so as not to influence the group in any specific 
direction.  The UW location does have an excellent table and screen 
setup so long as we keep getting granted access to the classrooms.

On 2023-09-18 22:04, Paul Nijjar via kwlug-disc - kwlug-disc at 
kwlug.org wrote:
> From the feedback so far, I have heard a few people hope that we keep
> ourselves open to other meeting locations. However, I did not hear
> either that people had a strong desire to try the Garment St location,
> or that the parking was the factor keeping them away from UW. Am I
> correct in this?
> If this remains the case (and even if it doesn't) I am tempted to
> stick with the UW location for a while.
> - Paul

In the interest of time, I've kept this brief. Thank you for 
understanding. I hope you have a great day.

Best regards,

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